Back 2 School Vibes

Back 2 School Vibes

Hey all your wonderful parents our there! We hope your Back 2 School has been a smooth and stress-free experience. 

We know first hand the school environment is demanding for our children and us. They are in need of our attention at all times. Especially children with special needs, they require more attention and help which can be very stressful at times. It's important to keep communication open during these times, set a time aside each day to talk with your child about challenges and new experiences at school. Children are like sponges, absorbing everything around them... good and bad.

It's important for us as parents to keep calm and be confident in our decision making. Our children pick up on the energy we have. Try to make sure it is as positive as possible, especially in the mornings. If your child feels nervous or reluctant to go to school, try to figure out what is triggering this reaction. It might be difficult for them to be physically distanced from their friends and teachers while at school, or even due to wearing a mask. You can make them feel at ease by having an open conversation about their worries maybe encourage them to think about other ways to bond and stay connected. Explain the safety measures in place are to protect everyone and prevent germs from spreading. 

Be alert if you notice your child becoming withdrawn or upset, or other changes in their behavior, it could be a sign that they are being bullied.

Most importantly remind children about the positives. Seeing their friends, teachers and being able to continue to learn new things.

We know it's a lot of work, try taking it one day at a time. 


We hope you all have an amazing year and to show our TSB parents out there our appreciation, head over to our instagram page to enter to WIN our SpaBox No.4!


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